Serpentine Jade

According to one legend, a man named Liangzhu carved jade into different shapes and designs and then buried them in the ground. He believed that over time, the earth would absorb the jade's healing properties, and that it would one day be discovered and used to heal people's ailments. Many years later, the jade was unearthed, and people soon discovered its powerful healing properties.

In Chinese culture, serpentine jade is also associated with good luck, prosperity, and longevity. It is believed to have protective properties that can ward off negative energies and promote spiritual growth and enlightenment. Many people in China wear jade jewelry or carry jade objects as a way to bring good fortune into their lives.

Overall, serpentine jade is a deeply respected and treasured stone in Chinese culture, with many stories and legends that highlight its powerful healing and protective properties. Whether used for decorative or spiritual purposes, serpentine jade is a valuable addition to any collection.

Serpentine jade is primarily found in regions of China, including Xinjiang, Qinghai, and Tibet. It is a relatively soft stone that has a waxy or oily luster and a translucent to opaque appearance. Serpentine jade is typically green in color, ranging from pale to dark green, with some specimens featuring black, brown, or yellow markings or veins.

In terms of benefits, serpentine jade is thought to have a variety of healing properties. It is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and emotions, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and negative emotions. This stone is also thought to have a rejuvenating effect on the body, promoting physical healing and boosting the immune system. Additionally, serpentine jade is believed to help promote spiritual growth and development, as well as provide protection and promote inner peace and harmony.

When selecting serpentine jade, it is important to look for stones that are free from cracks, chips, or other flaws. The stone should have a consistent and even color and a smooth, polished surface. It is also important to purchase from reputable dealers and to seek out expert advice if you are unsure about the authenticity or quality of a particular stone.

What are the benefits?

  1. Emotional balance: Serpentine jade is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and emotions, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and negative emotions.

  2. Physical healing: This stone is thought to have a rejuvenating effect on the body, promoting physical healing and boosting the immune system.

  3. Spiritual growth: Serpentine jade is believed to have a purifying effect on the spirit, promoting inner growth and development.

  4. Protection: This stone is thought to have a protective effect, helping to shield the wearer from negative energies and harmful influences.

  5. Inner peace: Serpentine jade is believed to help promote a sense of inner peace and harmony, helping to balance the mind, body, and spirit.

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